Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hardy Hill Trestle

Hardy Hill Trestle
This trestle dates from 1901 and is located on a spur of what was the Saginaw-Manistee Lumber Company Bellemont line. It is located in the bottom of a very narrow drainage.  The photo below shows the beginning of the drainage.  The trestle begins just out of sight down the draw.

The total length is roughly 340'.  Some of the logs are nearly 2' in diameter.  Overall, it is a very impressive structure.

Here is a Google Earth screen capture.

Here are a few pictures of the grade as it continues to the west and exits the drainage.

The grade eventually enters an open area where cabin remains and the ruins of a concrete building are located.  I suspect this was one of the numerous logging camps operated by the Saginaw-Manistee company.  The picture below is looking east back up the grade toward Sitgreaves Mountain.

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