Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Bone to pick

from Yelp April 9, 2017

"This place is a dump. First, they call themselves a sports bar, but they only offer basic cable. I went in on a UFC Saturday expecting to pay a cover to watch the fights only to find their "sports coverage" was a Diamondbacks' I could have watched at home. Bogus. I ordered a pitcher and started talking with the regulars, who were a pretty rugged set, but were for the most part really good people. I was getting along very well with a woman, even got a kiss. Next thing I know, a man wearing a "Vietnam Veteran" hat is telling me "You don't know what I"m capable of! You better get the hell out of here." The guy had to be in his mid sixties. I'm sure he was a pretty bad 1976. I turned to the woman and said "You said you were single". She said "I am. He just has a little crush on me." I continued talking with the woman, content to let Grandpa Soldier be happy with being a Jerkoff. Suddenly, this huge bartender taps me on the shoulder and says "You gotta go, man." Grandpa Soldier went and told on me because he wasn't getting any play! To top it off, the bartender says, "You can comeback another night." Gee, thanks; you just 86'd me for no other reason than a regular being pissed because I was getting along with "his" lady, but you'll be more than happy to take my money on another night. What a joke! It's not like I would go back anyway. I like dives, but The Hambone is just not special. When the biggest selling point for your bar is being able to smoke inside, you are running a sh*thole. The regulars rule the roost, and if they don't like you, they'll get management to throw you out, even when the regular is the one out of line. I should have beaten the baby killer to death, but I'm an adult, so I put my tail between my legs and left. I let my money do the talking. And The Hambone will never see one of my red cents ever again. I hope the place burns down."

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